
The partnership

Plataforma del Voluntariado de España

The Plataforma del Voluntariado de España (PVE - Spanish Platform of Volunteering) is an non-profit organisation coordinating the promotion of volunteering at national level.

PVE was founded in 1986 and is composed of 79 organisations active at national level as well as regional and provincial platforms from all around Spain. In total, PVE represents more than 29.000 non-profit organisations.

The aim of PVE is to encourage volunteering, promote social participation and to raise awareness on volunteering. PVE participates in the elaboration of policies and programmes on volunteering, defending the interests and independence of its member organisations. PVE also act as speaker in national and international forums on the topic of volunteering.


NUI Galway

Founded in 1845, NUI Galway has been inspiring students for 170 years. Our university has earned international recognition as a research led institution with a commitment to top quality teaching.  With over 17,000 students and more than 2,400 staff, NUI Galway has a distinguished reputation for teaching and research excellence.

NUI Galway is committed to community and the development of lasting relationships for a positive impact on peoples’ lives within society.  We believe that the best learning takes place when students have many opportunities to engage their learning in real world contexts. That's why we have created many pathways to apply knowledge in community through real learning in the curriculum, volunteering and researching real world problem projects.

The National University of Ireland, Galway launched a major project in 2001, entitled the Community Knowledge Initiative, which set out to underpin and realise a civic mission as part of its core activities. The CKI aims to promote greater civic engagement through core academic activities, namely teaching, research and service at the levels of students, staff, courses, programmes and the institution as a whole.

Each year, NUI Galway students have positive impacts on the community with over 1400 students learning and applying their knowledge in the real world through service learning.  Our students connect theory to practice within the community sector, in over 60 academic modules that are led and supported by NUI Galway lecturers and over 500 community partners (NGOs, charities, hospitals and schools).



 CSVnet is the National Coordinating Body of the Italian Volunteer Support Centres (CSVs), which had been established in 1991. They provide Italian Volunteering Organisations with free-of-charge consultancy, services, training, information and stimuli for networking between them, with other third sector entities and local authorities. The National Coordinating Body was established in 2003, enhancing the former experience of the CSVs' National Union, active since 1999. Nowadays it brings together and represents over 95% of the 74 Italian CSVs with more than 300 branches all over Italy.

CSVnet takes inspiration from the values of solidarity, democracy, pluralism and adopts the principles expressed in the National Charter of Volunteering Values and the National Charter of the Representation.

Its objective is to strengthen the cooperation and exchange of experiences, expertise and services among CSVs for better fulfilling the institutional purposes, complying with their autonomy. It works as a permanent tool for cooperation and confrontation on the topics concerning the CSVs' commitment. It provides training, consultancy and support to its members.

The CSVs' network is committed to promoting active citizenship and public recognition of volunteering. CSVnet works at a national level to develop common projects and themes among CSVs and aims to provide tools of innovation and excellence for Volunteering Organisations.


EDOS Foundation

EDOS Foundation initiates training courses, projects, and other educational activities to stimulate and facilitate the personal and professional development of adults and youngsters who are professionally or voluntary active in the field of adult education, youth work, and welfare work. We have a vast experience in adult education, volunteering and youth work. We develop, coordinate and participate in European projects for more than ten years now (including previous projects under the responsibility of Scouting Gelderland).

EDOS Foundation is a young and small organisation with a large network on national and international level.

Our experience and expertise include:

Volunteering policy (recruitment and retention of volunteers, rewarding volunteers)
• Competence based training of volunteers
• Validation of skills and competences of volunteers: tools, methods, classification of tools
• Validation of skills and competences: developing a validation strategy, implementing validation in the volunteering policy of the organisation.

The training courses we offer include:
• Validation of non-formal learning in volunteering
• Motivation of adults to learn
• Coaching
• Training for trainers
