
Online training course on the validation of competences in the European voluntary sector

This online training course includes content for 120 hours of e-learning and is divided into 4 units. Following the technical specifications of the ECVET, the training course has been structured in units of learning outcomes. Furthermore, learning outcomes have been defined in terms of knowledge, skills and competence according to the EQF.

UNIT 1: Introduction to the validation of competences in the voluntary sector (15 hours)

KNOWLEDGE: What is a competence; what is the validation of competences; the importance of the validation of competences for the motivation of volunteers; and the standards for a good definition of competences.  

SKILLS: to identify and define competences. 

COMPETENCES: to be able to independently identify and define the competences acquired by volunteers. 

UNIT 2: The European Qualifications Framework, the ECVET and the ECTS, and the main European validation tools (45 hours)

KNOWLEDGE: what are the EQF and the European credit systems ECTS and ECVET; the mechanisms of the European credit systems ECTS and ECVET for the validation of the non-formal and informal learning; what are the most popular European tools for the validation of competences and how they work. 

SKILLS: to define competences using the EQF and the technical specifications of the ECTS and ECVET for the validation within these credit systems of non-formal and informal learning; to present the competences acquired by volunteers using the Europass documents (Europass CV, Europass Skills Passport, and Europass Mobility).  

COMPETENCES: To be able to independently define using the EQF and the technical specifications of the ECTS and ECVET the competences acquired by the volunteers; and to present them using the Europass documents (Europass CV, Europass Skills Passport, and Europass Mobility).

UNIT 3: Development and implementation of systems for the validation of the learning outcomes acquired in voluntary work within the ECVET and the ECTS (45 hours)

KNOWLEDGE: What is a procedure for the validation of competences, its phases from the identification of needs, throughout the initial development until the final implementation; the standards for the good development and implementation of procedures for the validation of competences using the European validation systems and tools.

SKILLS: To identify the needs of voluntary organisation regarding the implementation of procedures for the validation of competences; to develop and implement, using the European validation systems and tools, procedures for the validation of competences to respond to the needs identified in voluntary organisations and their volunteers.  

COMPETENCES: To be able to independently develop and implement, using the European validation systems and tools, procedures for the validation of competences to respond to the needs identified in voluntary organisations and their volunteers. 

UNIT 4: Follow-up, evaluation and improvement of the implemented systems for the validation of the learning outcomes acquired in voluntary work (15 hours)

KNOWLEDGE: What is the meaning of evaluation, follow-up and update of the procedures for the validation of competences; and the standards for a good evaluation, follow-up and update of the procedures for the validation of competences.  

SKILLS: To use different tools and methods of evaluation and follow-up; to identify and implement on the procedures for the validation of competences improvements and updates according to the last developments in this field at European level.  

COMPETENCES: To be able to independently evaluate, follow-up and update according to the last developments in this field at European level, the procedures for the validation of competences in voluntary organisations. 

Each unit includes several tools for the assessment of the learning outcomes. At the end of the online training course you can obtain a Certificate that you can attach to your Europass documents.